Radio Silence!

Hello! Hello! Hello! πŸ˜€

Due to unforseen circumstances, I was suddenly without a computer for a couple of weeks, and so I disappeared! 😦

And I have to say, it was absolutely dreadful! I missed my favorite blogs, and it was awful to have the posts I had planned come to a stall! I also missed Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest & internet shopping…. yes, yes…. I am hopelessly addicted to the internet I think! Good thing I had Instagram on my phone to take the edge off! πŸ˜‰

The good news is, I have had this new beautiful laptop for all of 4 hours, and I am back! Yep, the first thing I wanted to do was post a quick hello!

Nothing says hello like fresh baked marble cake! πŸ˜€

So much has happened while I have been offline. I will have to take a moment to recoup and work out how & where to start writing again.

So for now, I will share some very basic pictures of a bright and cheerful marble cake. I made it with a simple buttercake recipe, which I split up and coloured nice & brightly with some vibrant food colours. Β I love bright colours so much, and it really makes me smile to swirl bright blue & red & green together! Β Please excuse the poor phone pictures… I was thankful that my lovely man remembered to take pictures while I was happily twirling around the kitchen! πŸ˜‰

Red, Blue, Green & White! Twirled and Swirled!

So I will leave it there for tonight, and spend the rest of the evening happily reading the user guide to my new laptop.

The finished cake? Why a rainbow of course! πŸ˜‰

Until next time, thanks for dropping by!

πŸ˜€ Miss Cat